No refer needs for treatment in other states for Gr-A,B employees , ICA Minister

In a significant decision, the state cabinet has decided to withdraw the referral system for treatment in other parts of the country for Group-A and B employees of the state government.
Addressing a press conference here at Civil Secretariat on Thursday afternoon, Information and Cultural Affairs (ICA) Minister Sushanta Chowdhury said that now there will be no restriction for treatment in state’s recognized hospitals across the state and the employees of Group-A and B after their treatment without any refer from state government’s hospitals will get their medical reimbursement bills through correct submission of medical bills. The employees (Gr-A and B) if deployed in other parts of the country for government work and if they suffer any ailments, they will also get the same benefit.
He said that the state government employees under Group-C and D will also get the same facilities only for treatment like diseases of cancer and heart ailments.
Chowdhury said that the cabinet meeting on Wednesday has also decided to extend the medical reimbursement bills from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 50, 000 in five years.
The cabinet in another significant step has also decided to recruit 200 more engineers including 100 posts of Group-A Junior Engineer and 100 posts of Group-B Junior Engineer under PWD department. These posts will be filled up for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical departments, said Chowdhury.
In addition to those, recruitment process will be completed through Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) for these 200 posts of Junior Engineers. He said that the physical examination for Fireman and Driver posts were also completed under the Fire Service department and cabinet has decided to form a Board comprising of 4 members to conduct the written examination of the candidates who have qualified in physical examination.
The ICA Minister added that cabinet has also approved the starting of Techno India University in the state and there will be opportunities for pursuing higher education on different subjects such as science, technology, nursing, journalism, agriculture, AYUSH, yoga etc in the university run by Techno India Group located at Maheshkhala area at the outskirts of Agartala. The Minister added that the state government will soon be signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on this matter with Techno India Group.